Thursday, October 26, 2006

Liberty and Libraries

Wow! What an evening last night-- to see the re-opening of the refurbished Carnegie Library in Jeffersonville and the "Wall of Liberty" bas-relief sculpture out front. The Carnegie will be the imminent home to the Remnant Trust-- an amazing collection of key, original works important to liberty.

The Library was simply beautiful-- in a way that only a refurbished classic building can duplicate. The sculpture was moving-- in thinking about the lives of people who have made such a profound difference in the lives of others. In particular, I enjoyed seeing under-rated heroes like Bastiat and Acton. Over the years, I have enjoyed Bastiat's writings and my work with the Acton Institute. Finally, the thought of something like the Remnant Trust coming to Jeffersonville is amazing.

A few people said they were happy to see me there--I think, in my role as a candidate for public office. But the decision to attend was a no-brainer. To me, it's all about liberty and freedom-- as an economist and as a Christian.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Up to 5% in the WHAS poll!

I found out yesterday that our campaign is up from 2% to 5% in the latest SurveyUSA/WHAS poll. (Sodrel and Hill both lost ground to me and undecided.) All of this was within the margin of error, so we don't know what it means for sure. But the trend is consistent with what I've seen and heard-- that people can't stand the negative ads, and as I get more above the radar, more people find me to be a credible and positive alternative. I was also "attacked" by both campaigns in a newspaper piece on Saturday (in the Jeff/NA paper)-- also indicative that we're getting some traction. We'll keep plugging away. I wonder if the last two weeks will be modestly or very interesting? ;-)

Update: here's the link for the last Survey USA poll (#10622) from 2006...

Candidate Forums in Dearborn and Ripley Counties

Kudos to Dearborn and Ripley counties-- for putting on excellent candidate forums. Sadly, these were the only two cases (at least of the many I have attended so far) where the number of citizens exceeded the number of candidates. Dearborn County's effort was also on the radio; and Ripley County's program was the best organized. Interestingly, Sodrel and Hill did not appear at either one-- or send representatives either. I suppose they were both busy raising money-- in an effort to run more annoying ads and send out more irritating fliers in the mail! ;-)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Jasper, Ft. Vallonia and more great coverage from the Jeff/NA paper

In Jasper on Friday, I had strong radio and TV interviews. We also hit the air in Jasper and Tell City this Tuesday with a barrage of radio ads. We look forward to gaining more traction in the western part of the District.

The Fort Vallonia parade was surprisingly large. I walked the parade route and met a handful of people-- during and after the parade. But without a "float", it didn't seem particularly effective since many people would not have understood who I was. Live and learn...

After front page coverage last Sunday in the Courier-Journal and the Jeff/NA paper, David Mann wrote another nice piece in the latter on Saturday called "Professor X"-- playing on me as an X-factor. Good stuff!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Dorothy Sayers quotes (following Seymour paper's question about recent books read)

"The central dogma of the Incarnation is that by which its relevance stands or falls. If Christ were only man, then he is irrelevant to any thought about God; if he is only God, then he is entirely irrelevant to any experience of human life."

"…the outline of the official story—the tale of the time when God was the underdog and got beaten, when he submitted to the conditions he had laid down and became a man like the men he had made, and the men he had made broke him and killed him. This is the dogma we find so dull—this terrifying drama of which God is the victim and the hero. If this is dull, then what, in Heaven's name, is worthy to be called exciting? The people who hanged Christ never, to do them justice, accused him of being a bore—on the contrary, they thought him too dynamic to be safe. It has been left for later generations to muffle up that shattering personality and surround him with an atmosphere of tedium. We have very efficiently pared the claws of the Lion of Judah, certified him 'meek and mild,' and recommended him as a fitting household pet for pale curates and pious old ladies."

"Only two accusations of personal depravity seem to have been brought against Jesus of Nazareth. First, that he was a Sabbath-breaker. Secondly, that he was 'a gluttonous man and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners'—that he ate too heartily, drank too freely, and kept very disreputable company…For nineteen and a half centuries, the Christian churches have labored, not without success, to remove this unfortunate impression made by their Lord and Master…Christian morals, as distinct from purely secular morals, consist in three things and three things only: Sunday observance, not getting intoxicated, and not practicing immorality…I do not suggest that the Church does wrong to pay attention to [these]…What I do suggest is that by overemphasizing this side of morality, to the comparative neglect of others, she has not only betrayed her mission but, incidentally, also defeated her own aims even about morality."

"It is the business of the Church to recognize that the secular vocation, as such, is sacred. Christian people, and particularly Christian clergy, must get it firmly into their heads that when a man or woman is called to a particular job of secular work, that is as true vocation as though he or she were called to specifically religious work…In nothing has the Church lost Her hold on reality as in Her failure to understand and respect the secular vocation. She has allowed work and religion to become separate departments, and is astounded to find that, as a result, the secular work of the world is turned to purely selfish and destructive ends… – Dorothy Sayers
"Work should be looked upon—not as a drudgery to be undergone for the purpose of making money, but as a way of life in which the nature of man should find its proper exercise and delight and so fulfill itself to the glory of God…Work is not, primarily, a thing one does to live, but the thing one lives to do. It is, or it should be, the full expression of the worker's faculties, the thing in which he finds spiritual, mental, and bodily satisfaction, and the medium in which he offers himself to God."

"The Church's approach to an intelligent carpenter is usually confined to exhorting him not to be drunk and disorderly in his leisure hours, and to come to church on Sundays. What the Church should be telling him is this: that the very first demand that his religion makes upon him is that he should make good tables. Church by all means, and decent forms of amusement, certainly—but what use is all that if in the very center of his life and occupation he is insulting God with bad carpentry? No crooked table legs or ill-fitting drawers ever came out of the carpenter's shop at Nazareth. Nor, if they did, could anyone believe that they were made by the same hand that made Heaven and earth."

"Somehow or other, and with the best of intentions, we have shown the world the typical Christian in the likeness of a crashing and rather ill-natured bore—and this in the name of one who assuredly never bored a soul in those thirty-three years during which he passed through the world like a flame."

"There are three kinds of people we have to deal with. There are the frank and open heathen, whose notions of Christianity are a dreadful jumble of rags and tags of Bible anecdotes and clotted mythological nonsense. There are the ignorant Christians, who combine a mild, gentle-Jesus sentimentality with vaguely humanistic ethics…Finally, there are the more-or-less instructed churchgoers, who know all the arguments about divorce and confession and communion in two kinds, but are about as well-equipped to do battle on fundamentals against a Marxian atheist or a Wellsian agnostic as a boy with a peashooter facing a fan-fire of machine guns."

"Heresy is…largely the expression of opinion of the untutored average man, trying to grapple with the problems of the universe at the point where they begin to interfere with daily life and thought."

"We are constantly assured that the churches are empty because preachers insist too much upon doctrine—'dull dogma' as people call it. The fact is the precise opposite. It is the neglect of dogma that makes for dullness. The Christian faith is the most exciting drama that ever staggered the imagination of man—and the dogma is the drama. That drama is summarized quite clearly in the creeds of the Church, and if we think it dull, it is because we either have never really read those amazing documents or have recited them so often and so mechanically as to have lost all sense of their meaning."

"Some schools of thought assert that…everything we do is rigidly determined for us, and that, however much we may dislike the pattern, we can do nothing about it…However much we may believe [this], we seemed forced to behave as though we did not."

"Why doesn't God smite this dictator dead?' is a question a little remote from us. Why, madam, did He not strike you dumb and imbecile before you uttered that baseless and unkind slander the day before yesterday? Or me, before I behaved with such cruel lack of consideration to that well-meaning friend? And why, sir, did He not cause your hand to rot off at the wrist before you signed your name to that dirty little bit of financial trickery?

"What do we find God 'doing about' this business of sin and evil?...God did not abolish the fact of evil; He transformed it. He did not stop the Crucifixion; He rose from the dead."

"For whatever reason, God chose to make man as he is—limited and suffering and subject to sorrows and death—and he [God] had the honesty and the courage to take his own medicine."

"And here Christianity has its enormous advantage over every other religion in the world. It is the only religion that gives value to evil and suffering."

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Optimists make me Optimistic

I had an excellent time with the Georgetown Optimists last night. They had great questions-- and in many of their words, I've given them someone to vote for. I wish I could get this sort of audience with everyone in the District. If I could, I'd win easily.

For now, we have do the best we can, rely on earned media and paid media, and word-of-mouth. Especially as I get more and more above the radar, as Sodrel and Hill run more of their lame TV ads and send out more of their irritating fliers, they should drive voters to me!

It should be a fun last few weeks! ;-)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


We've purchased more than 1000 radio ads. I hope you hear them on the radio, but they're available at any time on the website.

I had a great time speaking with the NAACP group in Jeff last week-- and look forward to another NAACP event in Bloomington on Saturday.

I met with a group of "peace activists" in Bloomington on Sunday. As a result, I've been able to clarify my position on Iraq-- as the candidate who wants us out of Iraq the more passionately. Check out the press release on the topic on the website.

Four weeks to go! We're hoping that we can pick up pace-- and take advantage of growing cynicism toward the campaigns being waged by Sodrel and Hill.

Fight the good fight and spread the good word!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

pseudo-debate last night at IUS

It was good to be back on stage with Hill and Sodrel last night. (We were also joined by Don Mantooth [the write-in candidate for the 9th District] and Steve Osburn [the only opposition to Sen. Lugar in November].) It has been surprisingly and disappointingly difficult to set up these sorts of forums between the three of us. The upshot seems to be that one candidate doesn't want to debate much and the other mostly wants to debate on his favorite issues. In any case, we had a wide-ranging discussion of important topics last night. Good stuff!

Thanks to the Women's Forum of Southern Indiana for sponsoring the candidates' night!