Tuesday, February 05, 2008

what?! Hill votes to bust the federal budget?!

Hill Supports House Stimulus Package

This afternoon the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5140, the Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act of 2008. Congressman Baron Hill voted for the bill and issued the following statement:

“Years of reckless spending and few, if any, sound fiscal policies by the current administration have led us to our current economic state. While I supported the economic stimulus package today, we must remember that this is only a temporary, stop-gap measure. We must also remember that our underlying economic problems remain to be addressed. The long-term solution will require much more than rebates, but a real commitment to fiscal conservancy.”

Wow, I'm surprised Baron would make this choice; I was wrong in my prediction...

Two things come out of this: 1.) Baron has ripped off his fig leaf of a claim to be a fiscal conservative; and 2.) Mike will not be tempted to rip Baron for opposing this (bogus) tax cut.