Seven Myths about Taxes for April 15th
2.) “No, I really didn’t have a tax burden this year!” That’s certainly possible. Many lower-income and lower-middle class folk don’t pay federal income taxes—especially if they have children. Federal income taxes are paid almost exclusively by those in the upper half of earned income. But that’s at the Federal level. What about state and local income taxes? In
3.) “No, I didn’t pay any state or local income taxes either.” Well, you don’t make much money then! In any case, you still paid a significant tax on your income—through the payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare. No wage income is exempted and there are no deductions, so the 15.3% flat tax is applied to every dollar you earn (up to a cap of nearly $94,200 in 2006). About 80% of wage earners lose more to this tax on income than its far more famous cousin, “the income tax”.
6.) “Well, taxes could be worse.” Yes—and they probably will be. Whatever one thinks of current taxes, things are actually worse because of government debt and unfunded mandates. Debt must be repaid—and government debt must be repaid through higher future taxes. Unfunded mandates like Social Security and Medicare (tens of trillions of dollars in promised payments) must be paid through future taxes—or defaulted upon. So, save up now—and support politicians who courageously address these difficult topics!
Assume a tax system with a 20% marginal tax rate applied to all income earned above $30,000. Someone earning $30,000 would pay no taxes—a 0% average tax rate. Someone earning $40,000 would have $10,000 in taxable income (above the $30,000 of exempted income), pay $2,000 in taxes, and face a 5% average tax rate. Someone earning $100,000 would have $70,000 in taxable income, pay $14,000 in taxes, and face a 14% average tax rate.
Imagine how much easier life could be with a less complex and burdensome tax system. Or maybe you should let your imagination roam after you finish filling out your 1040s this year. It might be too frustrating to think about until your task is done.